Was Britney Spears ‘furious’ after being slapped by Victor Wembanyama’s guard? Eye-witness makes revelations

Britney Spears was apparently furious after being slapped by Victor Wembanyama’s security guard. An eye witness has now come forward to reveal what went down at the scene of the incident.


The controversial incident involving Britney Spears and security personnel for NBA sensation Victor Wembanyama has caught the attention of an eyewitness. The eyewitness, who spoke to TMZ, revealed that they observed security physically striking the Gimme More singer, provoking her intense anger and outrage. This firsthand account sheds light on the situation, highlighting the distressing nature of the altercation.

How did Britney Spears react to being slapped by Victor’s security guard

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Outside Catch restaurant, an eyewitness named Brian Grajales steps forward to provide a vivid account of the altercation involving Britney Spears and the security personnel of NBA star Victor Wembanyama. Brian’s recollection sheds light on the events that transpired.

According to Brian, Britney approached Victor’s entourage with the clear intention of capturing a photo with the rising basketball phenom. In what seemed like a determined effort, she managed to infiltrate the circle of individuals surrounding Victor.

Brian recalls that Britney leaned in, addressing Victor in a polite yet eager manner, saying, ‘Excuse me, sir,’ in a distinctly British accent. At this point, she gently touched Victor’s back, seeking his attention and posing for the photo opportunity.

However, when she touched Victor’s back and tried to get his attention, the head of the security team backhanded her in the face. Britney’s sunglasses flew off, causing a commotion.

Victor went inside the restaurant where Britney was visibly angry, expressing her dissatisfaction and embarrassment over the incident. 

What did Britney Spears and Victor Wembanyama say after the incident?

Victor Wembanyama stats: Breaking down French star's MVP season with  Metropolitans 92 | Sporting News

Britney Spears has addressed the traumatic incident, stating that she tapped the athlete on the shoulder to congratulate him, but his security backhanded her in the face, causing her glasses to come off. She highlights the need for respect and calls for an end to physical violence. Britney has not received a public apology yet and appreciates the support she has received.

Victor Wembanyama spoke to ESPN, offering his perspective on the incident involving Britney Spears. Wembanyama explained that he was walking into a restaurant with his team’s security when someone grabbed him from behind.

He stated that he didn’t see what happened as he continued walking, but his security promptly pushed the person away. Wembanyama initially didn’t know it was Britney Spears until later, as he never saw her face during the encounter. He didn’t think much of the incident initially and proceeded to enjoy his dinner.

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