Top 30 gravel patio ideas to design your outdoor space with stone

The most widely used method for propagating plants is to grow them from a cutting. It does not require special tools, conditions or special techniques.

Best of all, hereditary qualities are fully transferred.
Depending on which part of the mother plant you are cutting, there may be stem, leaf, or root cuttings.

So instead of buying expensive plants, we’ll show you how to propagate them yourself.

Just follow the instructions below and enjoy the result of your efforts and care.

1. african violets

African violets #houseplant #cuttings #growing #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Saintpaulia

The easiest way to grow Saintpaulia is to do it from leaf cuttings. Put them in a glass of water and be careful that the leaves do not touch each other.

The best temperature is above 20 °C. Roots appear in 3-5 weeks.
When planting your African violet, choose a potting mix with a crumbly structure.

2. Arrowhead Plant

Arrowhead plant #houseplant #cuttings #growing #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Syngonium podophyllum

Syngonium propagation at home can be done with apical and aerial cuttings. They must have at least two nodes on them.

The best time for propagation is spring and summer. Make the cut with a sharp knife.

Place the cutting in the warm water where an activated charcoal tablet has dissolved. The roots will appear very quickly.

The other way is to treat the cutting with a growth stimulator and plant it directly in a pot with substrate. During the period of root growth, the pot should be covered with a foil or bag.

3. Begonia From

Begonia #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Begoniaceae

To propagate Begoniaceae, make a stem cutting or cut the corm in half so that each one has roots.

The stem cutting should be at least 5 cm long. Place it in a pot with soil. It can also be propagated from a mature leaf.

It should be sound and cut at an angle where it meets the stem. Plant it in the ground so that half of the stem is covered. The pot should be placed in a polyethylene bag with ventilation holes and a room temperature of not less than 17°C.

4. Black-eyed Susan Vine

Black Eyed Susan Vine #houseplant #cuttings #cultivar #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Thunbergia alata

This charming indoor shrub can be propagated from a long-stemmed cutting. Take a 6- to 8-inch stem and remove the lower leaves.

Put it in a glass of fresh water. Once the roots have developed, plant in a pot.

5. Chinese money plant

Chinese money plant #houseplant #cuttings #grow #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Pilea peperomioides

The reproduction of the Chinese Money Plant is very easy since it makes itself.

When the new stems grow, cut them from the stem and plant them in a new pot. The soil should be moist but not over watered as the young plant may rot.

6. Creeping fig

Creeping fig #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Ficus pumila

The best way to propagate the creeping fig is to place a pot next to it so that its branches touch it.

The plant will root itself and you can then plant the new stems and cut them from the parent plant.

Another option is to cut a stem with a length of 10-14 cm. The stem must be mature so as not to stress the mother.

7. Crotona

Croton #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Codiaeum

Codiaeum propagation is very easy and even a beginner will do it successfully.

Take a stem cutting in spring and put it in a container of water. The room temperature should be warm.

If you want faster root growth, use a rooting hormone. You can also put the cutting in moist sand and use a hormone or warm soil.

8. Dear

Dragon tree #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Dracaena marginata

Cut the top of the plant at a distance of 15-18 cm from the lower leaf if possible.

Remove all old, dry leaves and allow the cutting to dry in the room for 2 hours.

Root development can be done in 3 ways: in ordinary water with dissolved carbon; in a nutritious mixture of peat, coal and sand; in special substrate for decorative palm trees.

9. Silly Cane

Silly cane #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Dieffenbachia

Use tip or stem cuttings to propagate Dieffenbachia.

The easiest way for root growth is to grow them in a makeshift greenhouse with a heated bottom.

You can also put them in water, sand, peat-sand mix, sphagnum. The optimal conditions for root development are a temperature of 21-24 degrees, bright light and regular spraying of water.

10. english ivy

English ivy #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Hedera helix

Although ivy has aerial roots, it must be propagated by cuttings. Take a stem cutting that has at least two sets of leaves.

Put in water to form roots. If your cutting already has roots, plant in sandy soil (where roots will develop further before final planting).

For better root development, place a jar over the pot.

11. Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle Leaf Fig #houseplant #cuttings #growing #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Ficus lyrata

Fiddle-leaf fig can be propagated with apical cuttings. Submerge their ends in warm water for a short time, and then plant in the ground.

Until the roots develop, the pot should be covered with a polyethylene bag.

12. Geraniums

Geraniums #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Pelargonium

You can propagate Pelargonium throughout the year, but the best period for that is late summer or early fall.

Cut the stem nodes from the top or from the side shoots. All but the top leaves should be removed.

The stipules of the lower part should also be removed, since this part will be planted. Place directly in a potting mix.

13. Grape Ivy

Grape Ivy #houseplant #cuttings #growing #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Cissus rhombifolia

To grow a new Grape Ivy plant, cut off an apical stem with a few leaves. Place it in a glass of water or a mixture of peat and sand.

After the cutting develops roots, transplant it into standard soil. If you want your vine to become lush, plant some cuttings in a pot.

14. Today

Hoya #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Hoya spp.

The best period for the propagation of the Hoya is from spring to summer. Cut a short cut with one or two sets of blades.

The cut must have at least two knots. They will develop the roots and leaves because the root hormones are concentrated in them. Place the cutting in water or land.

A large container with water should be covered on the outside with aluminum foil so that the water is protected from light.

If you prefer to grow the root system in the ground, you can plant it directly in a light potting mix with peat or other moisture-holding substrate.

15. Jade Plant

Jade plant #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Crassula ovata

This unpretentious plant can be propagated with leaf or stem cuttings from the top.

The cuttings should be gently dried, and then placed in peat and sandy soil. Plant the cutting with fully developed roots in early spring.

16. philodendron

Philodendron #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Philodendron

You can easily propagate it with growing roots from a stem cutting. Keep in mind that the mother plant should have at least 2-3 stems.

Cut one of them and put it in a glass or jug ​​with clean water. If there are stem shoots, you can tear them off and leave them in the water until the roots appear.

It can also spread on the ground. Plant the cutting and cover with stretchable aluminum foil. Remove the nylon from time to time to allow excess moisture to evaporate.

17. Pothos

Pothos #houseplant #cuttings #cultivar #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Epipremnum aureum

Choose a stem cutting with 2-3 leaves and place it in water or soil.

If you prefer the water method, plant the cutting in a suitable soil when the root network develops well.

18. Prayer Plant

prayer plant #houseplant #cuttings #cultivar #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Maranta leuconeura

Separate a shoot from the plant and leave it for a few weeks in water until the root network develops well.

Another not-so-popular way to propagate Maranta is to remove a cutting below a knot at the bottom of the stem and place it directly in the potting mix.

19. Rubber tree

Rubber Tree #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Ficus elastica

If you want to propagate the rubber tree, do so using green stem cuttings. After cutting them, immerse them in cold water so that the milk juice runs out.

Then place it in the ground and use a root growth stimulator.

20. Silver Dollar Vine

Silver Dollar Vine #houseplant #cuttings #growing #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Xerosicyos danguyi

It would take time to develop a new plant from a Silver Dollar Vine.

Remove a healthy, ripe leaf with a sharp knife and allow the end to dry. Then place it in a pot with a succulent mixture.

Roots should appear in 6 weeks.

21. Snake Plant

snake plant #houseplant #cuttings #growing #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Sansevieria trifasciata

Surprisingly or not, the beautiful snake plant can be propagated using leaf cuttings.

Take a ripe leaf and cut it crosswise into segments 6-7 cm long. Leave them outdoors for a few hours so that the cut dries a bit.

Then place the cutting vertically in a substrate of sand and peat. The optimum temperature for root development is 20-22°C.

You can also put the cut segments in the water, but the roots will appear in a month.

22. Chain of Bananas

String Bananas #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Senecio radicans

Do the spread in the same way as Strings of Pearls. It is important that the soil of the new plants is always moist.

23. Chain of Nickels

Nickel Chain #houseplant #cuttings #growing #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Dischidia nummularia

This fabulous but slow-growing plant can be propagated with a short-stemmed cutting placed directly into special sphagnum moss that has been watered beforehand.

When the root system develops, transfer the cutting to a pot filled with orchid bark mix.

24. Pearl necklaces

strings of pearls #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Senecio rowleyanus

The reproduction of the beautiful Strings of Pearls can be done in two ways: by dividing the plant or by cutting.

Each of these methods should be done during the growing season in spring and summer.

Take a few strings without detaching them from the mother plant and pot them up near one of the existing plants. Leaves that will come into contact with the ground must be removed.

The roots will develop quickly. In a month, you can cut the mother’s strings.

25. Split Leaf Plant

Swiss cheese plant #houseplant #cuttings #growing #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Monstera deliciosa

Take a stem cutting and then place it in a glass of water with a dissolved charcoal tablet.

When the roots grow, dip the bottom in liquid fertilizer, then plant in the ground.

Water regularly. After 3 weeks, when the roots are well developed, take the cuttings and plant them in new soil.

26. Plant Ti

Ti Plant #houseplant #cuttings #grow #decorhomeideas

Botanical Name  : Cordyline fruticosa

The easiest way to propagate Plant Ti is from apical cuttings or shoots from young stems with at least one node.

Plant them in moist sand mixed with peat soil. Wait to transplant until root whiskers appear.

Spray the cuttings regularly with water and keep the temperature between 25 and 30 °C.

27. Tradescantia

Tradescantia #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Tradescantia

The beautiful Tradescantia can be propagated in spring, summer and autumn from 10cm long cuttings.

The root network can be established in water or in the soil. The smallest cut can be a piece of stem with two knots. Put it in the ground and cover only the bottom node with soil. Roots will grow.

The cutting should be placed with indirect light and a temperature around 20 degrees.

The roots can be easily grown in water as well. Just place the cutting in a glass of water and in 2 weeks the root network will be well developed.

28. Umbrella Tree

Umbrella Tree #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Schefflera

Schefflera propagation can be done with seeds or cuttings. Cut a stem cutting in summer and place it in a pot with potting soil and sand (1:1).

The best temperature for growing the new plant is 20-25°С. Once the root web is well established, place the cutting in a new, permanent potting mix that should contain one part sand to ensure good drainage.

29. Wax ivy

wax ivy #houseplant #cuttings #growing #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Senecio macroglossus

Wax Ivy cuttings should be long and taken during the warmer months. Place them in practically dry sand.

The container should not be exposed to direct sunlight and the room temperature should be warm.

30. weeping fig

Weeping fig #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Ficus benjamina

Cut a stem from the apical part of the mother plant so that 2 to 4 leaves remain.

Make a slant cut with a sharp knife. Dip the bottom of the cut in warm water so that the juice comes out.

When the juice stops coming out, dry the bottoms at room temperature for 2 hours. Add a charcoal tablet in a container of water and place the cuttings in it. Place the container by a window, but not in direct sunlight.

When you see roots that are 2 cm long, you can transplant the young plant.

31. Plant ZZ

ZZ plant #houseplant #cuttings #cultivation #decorhomeideas

Botanical name  : Zamioculcas zamiifolia

The wishing tree can be propagated by separating the tubers or by cutting the leaves.

Usually the lower parts of the broken leaves are placed in moist sand compost and the pot is covered with a nylon bag.

Even though the leaves dry out, the ground parts should develop bulb-like structures that can be planted and new plants develop. Please note that this process can take up to a year.

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