See Emilia Clarke Become Mera To Replace Amber Heard In ‘Aquaman 2’

BossLogic has imagined what Emilia Clarke would look like as Mera in Aquaman 2. A number of DC fans have not been shy about their goal to have Amber Heard removed from the highly anticipated sequel. A recent petition has nearly 1 million signatures of fans who do not want to see Heard return. A different petition was set up back in February of this year, but it appears the latest Johnny Depp/Amber Heard news has reinvigorated the movement.


As of this writing, Amber Heard is still on board to star alongside Jason Momoa in Aquaman 2. However, in the event that the studio decides to part ways with the actress, artist BossLogic is offering a look at what Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke could look like as Mera in the sequel. Clarke looks convincing, especially with the hyper green eyes that BossLogic included in his vision. Elsewhere, the image looks a lot like Heard, especially in terms of the suit.


The latest petition to remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2 alleges that she may have been the one to physically assault Johnny Depp during their short marriage. Depp has accused his ex-wife of abuse in court and reportedly showed evidence of this in a recent $50 million court case that he just lost. The petition goes on to mention Heard’s 2009 arrest “for abusing a former domestic partner, Tasya Van Ree.” The petition also claims that the 2009 arrest demonstrates “a repeated pattern of abuse by Amber Heard.”

Both Amber Heard and Johnny Depp have denied physical abuse towards each other, though they have each presented evidence of the opposite over the years. Whatever the case may be, there are a lot more fans now who think Heard should be removed from Aquaman 2, especially after it was announced that Johnny Depp was forced to resign from Fantastic Beasts 3. Depp resigned last week at the alleged insistence of Warner Bros., who were under pressure after the actor lost his lawsuit. Depp has promised to fight the judge’s decision and already has another case against Heard open.

Emilia Clarke To Replace Amber Heard In Aquaman 2?

While Johnny Depp was fired from Fantastic Beasts 3, he will still receive his full payment, even though he only shot one scene. It is believed he will receive around $10 million, thanks to a “pay-or-play contract.” Since the actor and studio announced the news, a petition was set up to keep Depp in the movie, which quickly gained over 100,000 signatures. Some Harry Potter fans are threatening to boycott the movie, while others are extremely happy that he is gone after pushing J.K. Rowling and the studio to get rid of him three years ago.

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