Marvel at the owl that has the ability to rotate its head 180 degrees upside down

Minerva the owl must have been dizzy when it kept turning its head like a pendulum.

The owl is a very clever and cunning animal. They are known for their ability to turn their heads backwards up to 270 degrees for observation.

But an owl named Minerva living at “World Bird Sanctuary” in Valley Park city, Missouri, USA, has made researchers ask big questions about his ingenious head rotation ability. . Minerva can rotate its head upwards by up to 180 degrees like the direction of a clockwise hand, rather than turning its head back as usual.

Marvel at the owl that can rotate its head 180 degrees upside down 1

Minerva can turn its head upside down like a clock hand.

Photographer Lisa Kee , 48 years old, was the one who discovered this special ability of Minerva during a visit to the reserve. As Miss Kee turned the camera lens on her, Minerva turned her head up and down again and again like a pendulum to the sound of the shutter.

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Every time she heard the click of Lisa Kee , Minerva kept turning her head like a pendulum.

“I’ve seen this bird of prey turn its head in different directions but this is really the first time seeing an owl turn its head upside down. I had to double-check the camera to see if it was. Is that true or not?” , Ms. Kee said.

Although there are many opinions that Ms. Kee ‘s photo is just a photoshop product, she is still satisfied with the special discovery that she has recorded. This photo of a funny Minerva owl has become one of the most popular pictures in Miss Kee ‘s collection .

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While the common owl can only turn its head back up to 270 degrees.

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