LM House in Cuenca, Ecuador by INAI Arquitectura


Designed by Cuenca-based architecture studio INAI Arquitectura, Casa LM is a single-family home that is located in San Joaquín, Cuenca, Ecuador.

Project description by architect:

The LM house is a set of straight volumes that try to accentuate the horizontality of the construction, all the architectural elements are linear and geometric. Being a project that occupies a corner property, special attention has been given to the area of ​​the main room that is located in this location, this space is contained within a cube made of a large double-height glass skin, this volume The sculpture does not touch the floor, but rather it is supported on thin metal columns, the window itself even houses camouflaged structural elements, and this whole group is suspended in a cantilever over a pond at ground level.

single-family home with illumination at garden during night time image © JAG studio 

By means of delicate slopes, the topography of the terrain has been slightly conquered and thus marked spaces are created for each specific function.

house with big windows and artificial illumination inside

image © JAG studio 

The rear facade is a very large glass cloth that will serve to catch the sun throughout the day and create a comfortable environment.

modern house in Ecuador with big windows and surrounded green garden image © JAG studio 

The project uses lightened flat slab roofs on different levels, producing an interesting set of heights that can be seen both from the outside on the facades and on the interior ceilings.

concrete steps and green garden surrounded this house

image © JAG studio 

house with illuminated entrance and green plants image © JAG studio 

garden with green vegetations

image © JAG studio 

LM House in Cuenca, Ecuador by INAI Arquitecturaimage © JAG studio 

girl going down on spiral staircase

image © JAG studio 

spiral staircase design image © JAG studio 

Ground Floor Plan architectural drawing

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

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