“I already feel like I’m being followed”: Marvel Star Emilia Clarke Had Nightmare Encounters With “Extremely Unwell and Mean” Stalkers

Marvel Star Emilia Clarke Had Nightmare Encounters With "Extremely Unwell and Mean" Stalkers

Emilia Clarke is a charismatic actress with a natural charm that makes her portrayal effortlessly real. After her breakthrough role in Game of Thrones, the actress has accumulated quite a fan following. Not only is she a talented actress, but her charm and looks have also been the reason how she has become one of the most sought-after actresses.

Emilia Clarke is an effortlessly perfect actress

As is the way of the film world, immense fame always has one or the other drawback. In Clarke’s case, it is the plethora of obsessive fans aka stalkers who have been causing trouble in her personal life.

Emilia Clarke’s Nightmare Time Dealing With Stalkers

Game of Thrones actress Emilia Clarke faced a hard time dealing with stalkers

Stalkers are anywhere and everywhere. This is how the Marvel star Emilia Clarke felt after having reached extreme fame. After starring in Game of Thrones, the actress won a lot of praise and acclamation, but along with the fame came a string of stalkers. Stalkers coupled with a serious brain diagnosis and extreme fame gave her one of the hardest times of her life.

In an interview, Clarke revealed how stalkers would leave multiple things and gifts outside her door. Sometimes they would be mean and other times extremely unwell. Having gifts left at her doorstep made her feel like she was being followed everywhere.

“The stalker stuff is just horrible because, as a single lady walking around town, I already feel like I’m being followed.”

What made it even worse for the Me Before You actress is such stalkers believed they were in sort of a relationship with the star, which she described as confusing.

“Which is confusing, because having a relationship with people I don’t know is a big part of what I signed up for. I care about what art does to people. But it carries with it a responsibility, and when you leave your front door you take that with you. And it’s a difficult path to navigate.”

Despite the challenges, Clarke remains resilient and determined and continues to march forward with an unwavering spirit.

Emilia Clarke Suffered A Life-Threatening Stroke While Filming GOT

Emilia Clarke is currently starring in Secret Invasion
Emilia Clarke is currently starring in Secret Invasion

The Secret Invasion star revealed that during the first season of Game of Thrones, at the age of 24, she suffered from Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. Caused by bleeding in the brain, she remained oblivious to the fact that there was another such swollen vessel that could potentially end her life. In the middle of her workout, she lost consciousness and had to be rushed into emergency.

Soon after a brain surgery was performed that would not be her last one nor would it be the worst. Even in excruciating pain, all she thought about was how would she be able to remember her lines after this. Thankfully, she made a swift recovery and went back on set, but the pain was still there.

Emilia Clarke described how she had to take multiple morphine in between interviews and schedules, Season 2 turned out to be the worst time of her life. After having undergone near-fatal surgery for the second time, she was back, and this time for good.

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