Quit a high-paying job to go to Africa to live and play with wild animals

Dean Schneider started a new life in South Africa, where he cared for and protected many wild animals such as lions and hyenas. The boy said he was not afraid, on…

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The ‘candidates’ of the funny wildlife photo award 2021

The scene of a frolicking mouse, three raccoons “sharing secrets” are two of 42 shortlisted photos for the Funny Wildlife Photography Awards 2021. According to a press release for the…

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Albino wallabies in Russia

At the end of May, an albino wallaby was born at Regina Zoo in Kazan (Russia), attracting the attention of the animal-loving community around the world. Recently, the Regina Zoo…

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The lucky cat was suddenly “reborn” after being… frozen

With a large tornado and the temperature has dropped below 0 degrees Celsius recently in the city of Kalispell near Glacier National Park (USA), rescuers have saved a frozen cat….

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The F-14 Tomcat fighter is considered by military officials to be the greatest legendary weapon of the US Navy.

Information on the Knowledge newspaper , the F-14 Tomcat fighter is a product of Grumman Corporation (now Northrop Grumman) developed for the US Navy. As far as is known, the aircraft first took…

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The lioness steals the prey, scratches the male lion’s eyes

Not only fighting for the prey of the male lions, the female “kings of the forest” also launched dangerous blows that caused a male’s eye to tear.     Three…

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Grizzly’s salmon fishing season

From mid-July to early September, a waterfall in the US becomes an ideal place for grizzly bears to hunt when millions of salmon cross the falls to reach the spawning…

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Unveiling Nature’s Resilience: Majestic Tree Flourishing on a Barren Rock Against All Odds

In a world where urbanization and development seem to reign supreme, it’s often easy to forget the incredible power of nature to adapt and thrive in even the most unlikel…

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Unveiling Nature’s Resilience: Majestic Tree Flourishing on a Barren Rock Against All Odds

In a world where urbanization and development seem to reign supreme, it’s often easy to forget the incredible power of nature to adapt and thrive in even the most unlikel…

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The dog was dyed by the owner, abandoned to death because he could not make money

Witnessing the scene of poor Samoyed dogs in pink and blue fur running everywhere to earn money for their owners, many netizens were both moved and indignant. Dogs are dyed…

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