Britney Spears has yet to receive a public apology from Victor Wembanyama

Victor Wembanyama, Britney Spears

Pop icon Britney Spears says she’s still waiting for a public apology over last week’s scuffle with NBA star Victor Wembanyama’s security team. On his personal Instagram, the Grammy award winner also criticized an unnamed radio station for saying that he “deserves to be beaten”.

“I don’t appreciate people who say I deserve to be beaten, because no woman deserves to be beaten,” Spears said. “I simply patted him [Wembanyama] on the back and got hit. I received an apology at my desk [from Wembanyama’s security], about 30 minutes later, but I have yet to receive a public apology,” Spears added.

Spears later deleted this post, but was still read by the online community and became a topic of discussion.

Britney Spears collides with Wembanyama’s bodyguard

Spurs: Britney Spears demands public apology from Victor Wembanyama

A video posted by TMZ last week shows Spears trying to approach Wembanyama at a restaurant near a hotel in Las Vegas, before being pushed down by one of the bodyguards of rookie San Antonio Spurs.

On Thursday, Spears said in a statement that she only approached Wembanyama “to congratulate him on his success”, adding: “I’ve always been surrounded by people. Actually, that night. I was surrounded by a group of at least 20 fans. My security team didn’t attack any of them.”

Wembanyama said he didn’t know that Spears had approached him, the 2023 NBA Draft pick 1 revealed he was just following the guard’s orders not to stop for anyone, to avoid crowds gathering around.

Victor Wembanyama

(Getty Images)

“I didn’t know about it until I got back to the hotel… I thought it wasn’t a big deal, and then Spurs security told me it was Britney Spears,” the Frenchman said in an interview. appeared in the media for the NBA Summer League.

“At first I thought, ‘You’re joking,’ but yeah, it turned out to be Britney Spears. I have never seen her face. I just kept going straight.”

No police charged the security guard

Spurs security chief Damian Smith is the man who allegedly assaulted Spears. However, Las Vegas police said they would not charge a member of Spurs security, alleging that Spears had accidentally hit himself in the face.

According to a police report  provided by People magazine , Smith was only trying to push Spears away when she tried to approach Wembanyama. He used enough force when pushing Britney’s hand away, causing her hand to hit her face, leading to loss of balance and a fall. Spears has so far identified herself as the victim and demanded a public apology.


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