It’s hard not to want to be best friends with both Emilia Clarke and her Game of Thrones alter ego, Daenerys Targaryen. Both women are powerful, intelligent, and you hang on every word they say. And while there are obviously some similarities between the two women, the biggest difference (of course) is that Daenerys has pet dragons. And Clarke likely doesn’t.

Or so we thought.
In a recent Insta post, Clarke posted a video where she’s at the top of a mountain and calls out to her main dragon baby (the one she now rides around like a total badass), Drogon.
And while she’s laughing (because the girl has an amazing sense of humor), you can’t help but expect to see her loyal fantasy creature to appear any moment so they could ride off into the sunset together. She even jokes in her caption “Yes folks, the reality behind the wig. And after tonight’s episode you can all know how one can really take ‘method acting’ to a whole other place…”
And by a “whole other place” we assume she means on the back of Drogon, whispering orders to him in the heat of dangerous battles like Dragon Queen she is.
While Clarke may not (yet) have the ability to bring forth her dragons in real life, she certainly has the ability to make us laugh and to totally own so much of what we love about her GoT character.
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