Jennifer Lopez clarifies why she created a brand of alcoholic cocktails after claiming to be a teetotaler

Her husband, Ben Affleck, has previously suffered from issues with the substance

JLo Just Launched Bottled Tequila, Amaro, and Vodka Cocktails

Anew controversy for Jennifer Lopez. The singer conducted an interview in 2018 for InStyle during which she talked about her appearance and how she has managed to stay looking so young, stressing that she des not drink alcohol or caffeine

“I have taken care of myself and now it shows,” said Lopez. She also stressed it again in US Weekly: “I don’t smoke or drink caffeine. That really ruins your skin as you age.”

However, her views on alcohol must have changed.

That’s because, since last April, she has launched her own brand of spritzer cocktails, called Delola, which attracted a lot of attention after her previous statements.

She has also received criticism because her husband, Ben Affleck, has had problems with alcohol that weighed down his career in film until his recovery.

Jennifer Lopez explains her brand of cocktails


“I know a lot of people have been talking, ‘Oh, she doesn’t even drink, what is she doing with a cocktail?’ To tell you the truth, that was true for a long time: she didn’t drink. But for the last ten, maybe fifteen years, I did enjoy an occasional cocktail,” she acknowledged, answering the attacks from haters.

“And so, like anything else in my life, I created it myself. Delola is a healthier way to drink that fits my lifestyle, since it has fewer calories, is gluten-free and has natural flavors,” she added in her explanation.

However, she assured that it is necessary to “drink responsibly, to socialize and have a good time…but always responsibly”.

Jennifer Lopez’s cocktails include: Bella Berry, made with premium vodka, berries and hibiscus, Paloma Rosa, which contains tequila, grapefruit and elderflower, and L’Orange, made with amaro, orange and passion fruit.

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