33 Relaxing Japanese-Inspired Front Yard Decor Ideas

Continuing the theme of Japanese décor, I’d like to show you some beautiful ideas for your front yard today. Just imagine – you come home after a long day and your front yard, which you see first, looks like an oasis of calmness and relaxation. That will happen if you design your front yard in Japanese style: stones, thin trees, grass and moss and fantastic water bodies inspired by traditional Japanese décor.

a chic Japanese front yard with pebbles, rocks, a stone bowl with a fountain, trees, greenery and bamboo

a chic Japanese front yard with pebbles, rocks, a stone bowl with a fountain, trees, greenery and bamboo

a Japanese front yard with pebbles, some thin trees and a stand with lanterns is a lovely idea to apply to your outdoor space

a Japanese front yard with pebbles, some thin trees and a stand with lanterns is a lovely idea to apply to your outdoor space

a Japanese-inspired garden with rock tiles, pebbles, tree stumps, greenery, grasses and a tall tree for a zen look

a Japanese-inspired garden with rock tiles, pebbles, tree stumps, greenery, grasses and a tall tree for a zen look

a low-maintenance front yard with pebbles, tiles, greenery and bamboo is a lovely idea for a modern home

a low-maintenance front yard with pebbles, tiles, greenery and bamboo is a lovely idea for a modern home

a small Japanese front yard with pebbles, greenery, a stone and bamboo fountain, rocks, shrubs is a lovely space

a small Japanese front yard with pebbles, greenery, a stone and bamboo fountain, rocks, shrubs is a lovely space

a stylish Japanese front yard with pebbles, rocks, greenery, a rock path and lanterns is a lovely modern decor idea

a stylish Japanese front yard with pebbles, rocks, greenery, a rock path and lanterns is a lovely modern decor idea

black and white pebbles, a large rock and a red maple mini tree at the entrance will make the space look wow

black and white pebbles, a large rock and a red maple mini tree at the entrance will make the space look wow

black and white pebbles, bold blooms, shrubs and mini maples for an elegant Japanese front yard

black and white pebbles, bold blooms, shrubs and mini maples for an elegant Japanese front yard

grass and greenery, pebbles, a stone and bamboo fountain, a stone and moss lantern for creating a lovely Japanese space

grass and greenery, pebbles, a stone and bamboo fountain, a stone and moss lantern for creating a lovely Japanese space

grass, concrete tiles, shrubs, a thin tree, a stoen bowl fountain and rocks for a lovely and chic Japanese-inspired look

grass, concrete tiles, shrubs, a thin tree, a stoen bowl fountain and rocks for a lovely and chic Japanese-inspired look

grass, shrubs, bold blooms and a red maple, a stone lantern plus a stone bench for a bold modern Japanese front yard

grass, shrubs, bold blooms and a red maple, a stone lantern plus a stone bench for a bold modern Japanese front yard

greenery walls, a statement Japanese-style tree in front of the entrance make up a chic Japanese front yard

greenery walls, a statement Japanese-style tree in front of the entrance make up a chic Japanese front yard

pebbles and rocks, a stone fountain, grasses in flower beds are amazing to complete a zen-like front yard

pebbles and rocks, a stone fountain, grasses in flower beds are amazing to complete a zen-like front yard


Start from choosing plants for your front yard, you can stick to only grass, or add shrubs and trees that you like; blooms aren’t traditional for Japanese gardens but if you want some, rock them to show that it’ not only a Japanese space but also an American or European one. Go for pebbles of various shades, use stone tiles or better rock ones to make paths. Choose a stone bowl and bamboo fountain for your garden, rock a beautiful traditional stone lantern or several ones and a stone bench if you need one. I was always surprised how a small pond or a bamboo fountain can add charm and relaxing touches to any space, and that happens to Japanese front yards for sure. Enjoy the pics below and get inspired for creating your own Japanese front yard.

pebbles, long and narrow tiles, grass and mini Japanese trees at the entrance make the front yard very elegant, sleek and catchy

pebbles, long and narrow tiles, grass and mini Japanese trees at the entrance make the front yard very elegant, sleek and catchy

pebbles, rocks and rock tiles, a stone and bamboo fountain, greenery, a stone lantern and thin Japanese-style trees for a cozy feel

pebbles, rocks and rock tiles, a stone and bamboo fountain, greenery, a stone lantern and thin Japanese-style trees for a cozy feel

pebbles, rocks, grass, shrubs, a stone bowl fountain and a stone lantern for a lovely and chic Japanese front yard

pebbles, rocks, grass, shrubs, a stone bowl fountain and a stone lantern for a lovely and chic Japanese front yard

pebbles, tiles, a waterfall on rocks, shrubs and mini thin trees will make your outdoor space super inspiring and calming

pebbles, tiles, a waterfall on rocks, shrubs and mini thin trees will make your outdoor space super inspiring and calming

rocks, pebbles, a stone bath and bamboo fountain, greenery and mini trees for a Japanese feel in your space

rocks, pebbles, a stone bath and bamboo fountain, greenery and mini trees for a Japanese feel in your space

rocks, pebbles, a traditional stone and bamboo fountain, greenery in between the rocks compose a small and lovely front yard

rocks, pebbles, a traditional stone and bamboo fountain, greenery in between the rocks compose a small and lovely front yard

some rocks, traditional Japanese cut trees, a stone Japanese lantern, shrubs and greenery for a lovely and chic look

some rocks, traditional Japanese cut trees, a stone Japanese lantern, shrubs and greenery for a lovely and chic look

a chic Japanese front yard with waterfalls, rocks, pebbles, greenery and moss around for a relaxing and calming feel

a chic Japanese front yard with waterfalls, rocks, pebbles, greenery and moss around for a relaxing and calming feel

a Japanese garden with a pond, some shrubs and greenery and a couple of trees for a peaceful zen look

a Japanese garden with a pond, some shrubs and greenery and a couple of trees for a peaceful zen look

a minimalist Japanese front yard with pebbles and large tiles, with greenery and small trees is amazing

a minimalist Japanese front yard with pebbles and large tiles, with greenery and small trees is amazing

large rock tiles, greenery, moss, rocks and a waterfall and a red maple tree for a Japanese feel

large rock tiles, greenery, moss, rocks and a waterfall and a red maple tree for a Japanese feel

moss, rocks, pebbles, shrubs, small trees and a stone Japanese lantern for a lovely Japanese garden

moss, rocks, pebbles, shrubs, small trees and a stone Japanese lantern for a lovely Japanese garden

grass, pebbles, bricks and a stone fountain bowl with a wooden scoop for a casual and relaxed Japanese feel in the garden

grass, pebbles, bricks and a stone fountain bowl with a wooden scoop for a casual and relaxed Japanese feel in the garden

green grass, pebbles, rocks, red maples, a stone lantern and a large bell create a very beautiful and zen-like look

green grass, pebbles, rocks, red maples, a stone lantern and a large bell create a very beautiful and zen-like look

green grass, mini shrubs, trees and a tone lantern in Japanese style will make the front yard look very zen-like

green grass, mini shrubs, trees and a tone lantern in Japanese style will make the front yard look very zen-like

pebbles with large rocks covered with moss and a bamboo fountain will make the front yard look very cool and very Asian-like

pebbles with large rocks covered with moss and a bamboo fountain will make the front yard look very cool and very Asian-like

pebbles, rocks, greenery, blooms and bamboo for a Japanese-style yet European garden thanks to blooming plants

pebbles, rocks, greenery, blooms and bamboo for a Japanese-style yet European garden thanks to blooming plants

white pebbles, rocks, grass and thin trees plus a bamboo wall for a Japanese garden or front yard

white pebbles, rocks, grass and thin trees plus a bamboo wall for a Japanese garden or front yard

grass and a large stone square fountain traditional for Japan will make up a cool and relaxed Japanese garden

grass and a large stone square fountain traditional for Japan will make up a cool and relaxed Japanese garden

grasses, blooming plants, a bamboo and stone fountain make up a chic and cool Japanese front yard

grasses, blooming plants, a bamboo and stone fountain make up a chic and cool Japanese front yard

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