Beautiful Purple Houseplants
1. Purple Oxalis

Botanical Name: Oxalis violacea
Native to Brazil, Oxalis plants display unique pinwheel foliage and a wealth of starry blossoms. Some varieties produce purple leaves or foliage with deeper accent markings.
2. Coleus

Botanical Name: Coleus
Coleus is a beautiful, showy plant that is available in various colors and styles. The vibrancy of its colors comes from receiving an adequate amount of sunlight. More light equals more vivid colors!
3. Prayer Plant

Botanical Name: Maranta leuconeura
With its unusual, purplish brown leaf markings, the prayer plant is a fun little plant to have around the house. It thrives well on moderately high humidity and uniformly watered soil.
4. Purple Potato Vine

Botanical Name: Ipomoea batatas ‘Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Purple’
The plant is mainly loved for its brilliant foliage available in different colors of lime, purple, bronze, black, or copper. It grows best in moist and well-draining soil.
5. Wandering Jew

Botanical Name: Tradescantia zebrina
Its leaves are marked with characteristic olive and silver markings on the top and a dark purplish maroon color on the undersides. Some varieties flaunt a purplish color on both surfaces of the leaves.
6. Ti Plant

Botanical Name: Cordyline fruticosa
Ti plant is an astonishing red-purple-colored houseplant featuring flamboyantly colored foliage and an elegant appeal. It likes to be in a spot that receives partial sun.
7. Rex Begonia

Botanical Name: Begonia rex-cultorum
Rex begonia plants are cherished for their dramatically colored and textured foliage. The leaves come in a broad spectrum of colors, shapes, and stripes, including purple!
8. Purple Passion

Botanical Name: Gynura aurantiaca
This lovely houseplant has fuzzy green foliage with a dab of purple hairs and edges. Grow it in any neutral-colored houseplant, and you’ll see how it’ll stand out from the rest!
9. Caladium

Botanical Name: Caladium
Caladiums are beautiful tropical plants with big, heart-shaped leaves having multicolor patterns. Varieties like Caladium rubicundum bicolor has a beautiful purple shade with neon pink spots.
10. Waffle Plant

Botanical Name: Hemigraphis alternata
The waffle plant is a beautiful tiny houseplant with colorful foliage having a metallic tone in purple color, which makes it an excellent addition to your home or office desk.
11. Calathea

Botanical Name: Calathea roseopicta ‘Dottie’
When it comes to purple foliage houseplant, you can’t miss this calathea variety.
12. Iron-Cross Begonia

Botanical Name: Begonia masoniana
Its leaves sport wide, chocolate-brown markings which stand out well against the dark green backdrop and radiate all the way to the leaf margins, thereby resembling the German iron cross.
13. Rubber Plant

Botanical Name: Ficus elastica
Its leaves appear dark purple when mature and bright red when young and opening. The plant is also great for purifying indoor air.
14. Silver Squill

Botanical Name: Ledebouria socialis
The plant derives its name from the lovely, silver-colored polka dots on leaves and the rich purple undersides of the stems. It’s easy to care for because it’s a succulent plant.
15. Iron Cross Houseplant

Botanical Name: Oxalis tetraphylla
Oxalis tetraphylla is known for its heart-shaped leaves with maroon-purple leaves with black markings at the center of the foliage.
16. Persian Shield

Botanical Name: Strobilanthes auriculatus
Persian shield displays gorgeous purple leaves patterned in green veins. The foliage has a clear opalescent shine that makes it one of the most beautiful purple houseplants on the list!
17. Velvet Leaf Philodendron

Botanical Name: Philodendron micans
This amazing philodendron cultivar has beautiful velvety hairs on satin-like purple-green leaves. Keep it at a spot that gets bright, indirect light for the best color. We also added it to our list of Velvet Leaf Louseplants–explore it here!
18. Ruby’s Necklace

Botanical Name: Othonna capensis ‘Ruby Necklace’
‘Ruby’s Necklace’ is a beautiful trailing succulent with long, bean-like, narrow green to purple and burgundy foliage on purple stems.
19. Purple Sword

Botanical Name: Alocasia lauterbachiana
‘Purple Sword’ features long, narrow, shiny green sword-shaped leaves, marked in copper undersides with purple hues. It looks great as a corner plant.
20. Cordyline ‘Tango’

Botanical Name: Cordyline fruticosa ‘Tango’
The strap-like dark purple or red leaves of tango are variegated in a red-purple shade. Check out more purple tint cordylines here.
21. Tiger Stripes Kalanchoe

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe humilis
This attractive kalanchoe offers pale green, oval leaves patterned in purple or maroon streaks on a woody, branched base.
22. Job’s Beard

Botanical Name: Sempervivum heuffelii
This wonderful sempervivum shows off a rosette of round, grey to green pointed leaves with a deep purple hue. For the best color, keep it where it can get maximum sunlight.
23. Purple Heart

Botanical Name: Tradescantia pallida ‘Purpurea’
‘Purple Heart’ is a trailing, evergreen perennial and features glaucous, narrow, purple-green leaves on purple succulent stems. You can grow purple plants indoor and in hanging baskets as well!
24. Aglaonema

Botanical Name: Aglaonema rotundum
All aglaonemas are beautiful, and this variety is no exception. Its deep green leaves have purple-pink veins, which makes it a well-deserving part of this purple houseplants list.