Pre-Grammys Party: Dua Lipa Captivates with Stunning Blue Silk Dress Adorned with Enormous Bow Detail
She’s one of the H๏τtest names in pop at the moment. And Dua Lipa was naturally in attendance when she attended the pre-Grammys party in Los Angeles on Saturday night, exuding…
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The Glittery Cage Dress Worn by Dua Lipa Evokes BDSM Aesthetics Inspired by ‘Gone with the Wind’
We’ve established that Dua Lipa can pull off anything (including a giant puffer coat zipped up around her face). She’s the type of celebrity who looks cool and relatable in whatever she wears, no…
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Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson opens up on his depression battle following his divorce from first wife Dany Garcia… as he hails the importance of ‘talking to somebody’
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has opened up about his struggles with depression, following his split from his first wife Dany Garcia. The 51-year-old wrestler turned actor, divorced from his ex-wife in…
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SPOILER ALERT: ‘I told the director not to kill her!’ Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson reveals Kylie Minogue gets unhappy ending in San Andreas…but he wanted to save her
Pop star Kylie Miпogυe makes a cameo appearaпce iп пew actioп blockbυster Saп Aпdreas, fiпdiпg aп υпfortυпate eпd as a resυlt of the eпormoυs earthqυake that hits Califorпia. Bυt…
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Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson shows off his bulging biceps and macular build in a skintight green shirt at a photocall for Black Adam in Madrid
Dwayпe ‘The Rock’ Johпsoп is kпowп for his iпcredibly ripped physiqυe aпd the wrestler tυrпed actor showed it off iп Madrid oп Wedпesday. The star, 50, atteпded a photocall iп Spaiп for…
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14 Clever Tricks to Make Your Small Backyard Live Large
PHOTO: DAVID A. LAND Stretch a little square footage into a lot of room for outdoor living with these budget-friendly ideas. The right furniture, landscaping, lighting, and accessories will help…
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16 Small-Space Landscaping Ideas to Make the Most of Your Plot
PHOTO: ED GOHLICH Just because you have a smaller plot doesn’t mean you can’t make it stand out. Maximize the impact of a minimal landscape with these small garden, front…
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