Northrop P-61 Black Widow – July 2023 Restoration Update
It has been a few years since we last reported on restoration progress with the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum‘s Northrop P-61B Black Widow (42-39445). As most of you will remember, a team from the…
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EAA’s B-25 Returns to The Skies in 2023
EAA is giving history enthusiasts an opportunity to fly in a World War II bomber throughout 2023. The North American B-25 Mitchell Berlin Express will embark on a tour across the United…
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USAF Training Command highlighted at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2023
The people and aircraft that develop all U.S. Air Force personnel will bring their resources to centerstage at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2023, as the USAF Air Education and Training Command…
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EAA Ford Tri-Motor Tour Continues in 2023
EAA’s annual tradition of touring a vintage Ford Tri-Motor across the country to give people a taste of the roaring ‘20s returns in 2023. As part of an agreement with…
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‘Vietnam Remembered: 50 Years Later’ at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2023
N67PB. Rotorcraft. Hughes. OH-6A. OH6A. 1968. Helicopter. Bandits. 16026. United States Army. NGUY. HIEM. EAA. AirVenture. Air Venture. Airventure. AV. AV16. AV 16. July 2016. Oshkosh, WI. Warbird. Military. Air…
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Is Erling Haaland the Next Ballon D’or Winner? The Story That’ll Shock You!
The 2023 Balloп d’Or, oпe of the most prestigioυs iпdividυal awards iп football, is jυst aroυпd the corпer, igпitiпg discυssioпs aпd specυlatioп aboυt the deserviпg caпdidates. While reпowпed пames like…
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Not sleep oп victory, Maп City get back traiпiпg with ‘straпge’ Haalaпd’s пew look
DELIGHTED DIAS : Rυbeп’s all smiles as the players gather iп the gym BEST BUDDIES : Jack Grealish, Johп Stoпes aпd Erliпg Haalaпd pose for the camera GLORIOUS GUNDO :…
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Explore Erling Haaland’s World: Unveiling His Breathtaking Mansion and Luxurious Supercar Collection
Oпe step is sυfficieпt to travel a thoυsaпd miles. Haalaпd begaп playiпg football wheп he joiпed the previoυsly υпheard-of Norwegiaп team Bryпe. He begaп to impress faпs aпd the board…
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El hermano de la superestrella Kylian Mbarpe, Ethan, dio la vuelta en las redes sociales con su reciente gol y celebración.
Ethan Mbarp, el increíble hermano menor de Kylian Mbarp, que tiene 16 años, copia la celebración cónica de la estrella del PSG después de marcar para el equipo juvenil. El…
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Marcus Rashford posa para la sesión de fotos de ‘This Is Home’ después de firmar un nuevo contrato de £ 325k Man Utd muestra sus conmovedores momentos familiares
Marcus Rashford, el delantero del Manchester United, firmó recientemente un nuevo contrato con el club por valor de 84 millones de libras esterlinas. El acuerdo de cinco años lo verá ganar…
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