15 Plants that will make your house a more welcoming and fresh place

One of the things that give your home more life is the green color and what better if it is from a little plant, which in addition to decorating your home will make it much more welcoming and fresh.

So if you are looking for the best option to decorate and give warmth to your house or apartment, pay attention, because you will surely want a different one in each room of the house.

1. African violet

African Violet Houseplant


In addition to the fact that it needs little light, the contrast between the dark green and the purple of its flower is beautiful; and that’s not all, the color of the flower is present throughout the year.

2. Christmas cacti

christmas cactus houseplant

If you like plants that give flowers, you will also love this one, because in addition to being beautiful, the colors it can give are white, pink, fuchsia or red. Ideal for the living room of the house.

3. Peperomia

houseplant peperomia


Unlike many other plants, this one only needs to be watered when the soil feels dry. Its leaves are very beautiful, so much so that they can remind you of the skin of a watermelon.

4. Kalanchoe

kalanchoe houseplant

It belongs to the group of succulents, so its care is minimal. It can survive a long time with little water and excess heat, although the ideal is to pay attention to it so that it grows beautiful and radiant.

5. Bromeliad

houseplant bromeliad


They are very beautiful, the color of their flowers give a unique touch to the place they decorate, but you must be careful when you have them at home because they need little light and need to be watered every 2 or 3 days.

6. Ferns

fern houseplant

It is another one of those plants that need little care, look beautiful anywhere and decorate the room completely. You can water it or spray it with water once a week and it will be more than enough.

7. Pink Feather

pink feather houseplant


One of the most beautiful characteristics of this plant is the pink color of the spike that forms in the center of the ribbon-shaped leaves. It is perfect for being in cool places in the house and also does not need to be watered frequently.

8. Crasas

succulent houseplant


They also belong to the group of succulents, they keep water in their leaves as a reserve and the more water they receive, the more fleshy their leaves are. They look perfect as a decoration for a bookshelf or desk.

9. Love

houseplant tape


It is perfect for you if you are somewhat distracted, because it does not need much care. You can have it outside in the shade or inside somewhere where it does not get direct light.

10. Trunk of Brazil

Brazil trunk indoor plant

It is one of those plants that when they start to grow makes you feel proud because the care and effort are paying off. The color of its leaves depends on where it is located, so if you want to feel that  proud momma feeling  this is the one.

11. Calathea

houseplant calathea


These plants are very curious, not only because of the color of their leaves but also because of the fact that during the day their leaves extend completely, but at night they roll up. To maintain their beauty it is advisable to give them away or spray their leaves frequently.

12. Coined

Indoor plant coin

Also called the money plant or the plant of abundance, in addition to being very beautiful, its care is very simple. You can place it on a high shelf or cascade from the ceiling and you will see that it decorates spectacularly.

13. Lithops

houseplant lithops


They are very curious because they look like little colored stones. They belong to the group of succulents, so their care is very similar. If you want a different plant, this is the one.

14. Short

poto indoor plant

It grows in a very similar way to that of the coin, since the waterfall effect is much better appreciated in a tall basket. It lives for a long time and purifies the air of the room where it is located.

15. Monstera

indoor monstera plant


Beautiful and huge, so I assure you that you will only need one to have freshness and elegance in the living room or dining room. Its care is simple and will not take up much of your time.

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