Houseplants that Love to Climb
1. Night Blooming Cereus

Botanical Name: Epiphyllum oxypetalum
This spectacular plant is rare and blooms only at night and disperses an intoxicating fragrance in the air. You can train it to climb indoors, however, it’s a bit difficult to grow.
2. Pothos

Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum
In their natural territory, pothos is a natural climber, but indoors you need to train this air-purifying plant on a rope or wire or provide some other support. If you’re growing it on a shelf or desk, then it will climb on its own.
Pearls and Jade, Silver, Neon, and Marble Queen pothos are some of the best climbing varieties you can grow indoors.
Here’s all you need to know about growing pothos
3. Swiss Cheese Plant

Botanical Name: Monstera adansonii
This gorgeous houseplant with perforated foliage has a vine-like growth pattern. You can grow it in the corner as it easily climbs over walls or trellis.
Check out our article on growing Swiss Cheese Plant here
4. English Ivy

Botanical Name: Hedera helix
This wonderful climber can hang on any surface through small aerial roots that grow beside the stems. While growing indoors, you can also train it to create attractive topiaries.
To learn how to grow English ivy indoors, click here.
5. Angel Wing Begonia

Botanical Name: Begonia lucerna
This exceptional climber offers olive green foliage that looks like an angel’s wing, hence the name. The undersides of the leaves have a fantastic deep red hue.
Here are the best types of Begonias you can grow
6. Kangaroo Vine

Botanical Name: Cissus antarctica
Kangaroo Vine showcases copper-hued foliage that turns glossy with age. This dense climber looks great in hanging baskets and prefers bright light. You can also grow other Cissus species indoors!
Have a look at the best Cissus varieties here
7. Ant Plant

Botanical Name: Dischidia vidalii
Also known as bladder vine and kangaroo pocket, this epiphytic climber features oval-shaped, fleshy, small, light green leaves.
It can grow up to 5-8 feet indoors when exposed to a lot of bright light. Also, water the plant well and never let the soil dry out completely.
8. Philodendron

Botanical Name: Philodendron
Philodendrons are probably one of the best climbing plants that you can grow indoors. They look good, are easy to maintain, and can also grow in water!
9. Mini Monstera

Botanical Name: Rhaphidophora tetrasperma
The serrated leaves of this plant might remind you of the large monstera leaves but it is different than that plant, it’s also known as “Philodendron Minima,” but it’s not that either. This compact climber is excellent for living rooms and kitchens and thrives best in bright indirect light.
10. Wax Ivy

Botanical Name: Senecio macroglossus
This evergreen climbing succulent resembles English ivy. The plant has stems with pointed, glossy, and cut foliage. If you can keep it by a window or door that receives direct morning, it’ll remain happy!
11. Inch Plant

Botanical Name: Tradescantia
Inch plant vines grow longer over time quite quickly and you can train them to climb on a pole or wall. Grow this beautiful plant in bright indirect sunlight.
12. Creeping Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus pumila
Also known as climbing fig, this eager climber is a hardy houseplant that can tolerate a range of conditions. It does well in partial shade in well-draining soil.
13. Cape Ivy

Botanical Name: Senecio angulatus