Fuzzy Foliage Houseplants
1. Purple Passion

Botanical Name: Gynura aurantiaca
The gorgeous green foliage has a velvety surface and deep purple hairy edges. It’s trailing pattern makes it perfect for hanging baskets.
2. Iron Cross Begonia

Botanical Name: Begonia masoniana
This begonia variety is popular for unique cross-patterned foliage. The fuzzy, gritty-textured leaves have a burgundy iron cross in the center.
3. African Violet

Botanical Name: Saintpaulia ionantha
The beauty of violet blooms become more intense with the dark-green velvety leaves. It thrives in the morning sun. Also, avoid overwatering.
4. Bear Paw Jade

Botanical Name: Crassula pubescens subsp. rattrayi
This low-growing succulent forms a rosette of slightly fuzzy green leaves that turn red in full sun. It is easy to grow, but overwatering is fatal for its growth.
5. Fung Wax Flower

Botanical Name: Hoya curtisii
This delicate creeping vine, also known as the Porcelain flower, offers heart-shaped leaves splashed in silver with fuzzy yellow-green flowers having a red or pink center.
6. Pussy Ears

Botanical Name: Cyanotis somaliensis
This unusual trailing houseplant features fuzzy green leaves in the shape of a kitten’s ears and looks excellent in hanging baskets. Grow this small creeping plant in a bright spot of your home.
7. Green Goddess

Botanical Name: Echeveria ‘Haageana’
‘Haageana’ is a gorgeous, soft, fuzzy succulent that displays rosettes of frosty green leaves. For best growth, never allow the water to sit in the rosette as it can cause fungal diseases.
8. Namaqua Crassula

Botanical Name: Crassula namaquensis
This dwarf succulent shrub offers clusters of spirally arranged, hairy pale blue to blue-green leaves. It looks great in small colorful pots!
9. Piggyback Plant

Botanical Name: Tolmiea menziesii
The fuzzy green leaves of the piggyback plant are a good choice for hanging baskets. It performs well in medium to bright light.
Note: Handle this plant carefully as it can cause skin irritation.
10. Felted Pepperface

Botanical Name: Peperomia incana
Its heart-shaped leaves are coated in white fuzzy hairs hence the name. The white hairs on the leaves protect them from sun damage and give texture to the plant.
11. Fuzzy Mystery

Botanical Name: Peperomia ‘Fuzzy Mystery’
The beautiful heart-shaped leaves of ‘Fuzzy mystery’ are bright green patterned in prominent dark veins and covered with tiny hairs.
12. Tenelli

Botanical Name: Crassula mesembryanthemoides
The bright green and plumply leaves of this plant are covered with fine grey hairs, which gives it an appearance as if it is covered with a layer of frost!