12 Awesome Round Leaf Houseplants

Awesome Round Leaf Houseplants

1. Chinese Money Plant

Awesome Round Leaf Houseplants

Botanical Name: Pilea peperomioides

The coin-shaped, round green leaves are popular among gardeners. It is also considered a good luck plant.

Learn how to grow Chinese money plant here

2. String of Turtles

Botanical Name: Peperomia prostrata

This vining plant shows off round, purple-green foliage, patterned in white veins. It makes a beautiful statement in hanging planters.

Here are the best peperomia varieties you can grow

3. Silver Leaf Artillery Plant

Awesome Round Leaf Houseplants 2

Botanical Name: Pilea glaucophylla

The soft pink-red stem carries clusters of cute round blue-green leaves. It’s an easy-to-grow pilea variety that will shine in your plant collection.

Check out the best pilea varieties here

4. String of Nickles

Botanical Name: Dischidia nummularia

The coin-like round and flat leaves give an impression of a coin hanging on a string. This ornamental houseplant looks amazing in hanging baskets.

5. Brevialata

Awesome Round Leaf Houseplants 3

Botanical Name: Hoya brevialata

Brevialata showcases waxy oval-round green leaves. It also produces red and white blooms that are amazingly aromatic.

6. Round Leaf Calathea

Botanical Name: Calathea orbifolia

This calathea variety features wide round leathery foliage patterned with creamy and light green stripes. It enjoys humid conditions, partial shade, and well-draining soil.

Have a look at the most amazing calathea varieties here 

7. Yellow Rainbow Bush

Awesome Round Leaf Houseplants 4

Botanical Name: Portulacaria afra ‘Aurea’

This sprawling succulent features red-brown stems and rounded pale yellow to light green leaves with slightly pointy ends.

8. Trailing Elephant Bush

Botanical Name: Portulacaria afra ‘Cascade’

This beautiful succulent offers maroon stems with round and fleshy foliage. It trails attractively over walls and attains incredible lengths.

9. Variegated October Daphne

Awesome Round Leaf Houseplants 5

Botanical Name: Hylotelephium sieboldii ‘Mediovariegatum’

This beautiful succulent variety features serrated, round-shaped, blue-purple-green leaves. Place it in a sunny location for a pink blush on leaves.

10. Silver Dollar Plant

Botanical Name: Crassula arborescens

Not only the leaves are round, but they also carry a plump and fleshy look to them which simply makes the plant look magnificent.

11. Peruvian Grape Ivy

Botanical Name: Cissus rotundifolia

The round foliage of this plant will remind you of a Chinese money plant. Its leaves are also sometimes ovate and serrated at the edges.

12. Silver Dollar Tree

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus cinerea

This rapid growing plant has fragrant round leaves with attractive silver-green color. It does best in full sun and well-draining soil.

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